Git and SVN

OK, I know that tool wars are for noobs, but this is going to be a rant.

I’ve been doing software development for decades and have used a lot of version control systems. I’ve been particularly fond of the rcs/cvs/svn series that has been in use continuously since the early 1980s. That line of version control systems has grown steadily and incrementally, adding functionality while retaining compatibility. SVN is now a very mature and easy to use version control system.

Along came git. Git has become immensely popular, in large part because software development is an industry dominated by the young. The young have no history to build on and so don’t understand the value of continuity and compatibility. To them, newer is always better. They are also remarkably tolerant of kluged software, often conflating excessive complexity with “power”.

Git has some clear benefits, most notably the local repository which effectively buys you a 2-tier commit structure. That’s good and SVN should develop a similar concept. Git is also very good for its intended use case: distributed project development with no central control (i.e. many open-source projects). Git is particularly nice when some of the developers have limited internet access. However, I find git problematic for a host of reasons that are rarely discussed. The biggest issue is that I have never worked on a project using git where users didn’t get into trouble. By trouble I mean losing work or having to find a git guru to help them be able to continue working. I’ve never seen that happen with svn. Never.

Moreover, one of the principle git criticisms of svn (the central repository) is actually the way most companies want to work. Central repositories live in secure data centers, are automatically and regularly backed up, and allow easy and fast access control so when a contractor/employee/etc. leaves, their access to the repository can be closed immediately. It’s why GitHub is so popular: it’s a central repository.

Git evangelists flood the internet with a-git-prop, much of it wrong or severely outdated. GitHub is also a massive proponent of git, pushing it mercilessly. There is no similar entity evangelizing for SVN and so the sheer force of marketing has been driving a lot of git’s success, but here are some sober analyses that present the other side of that coin:

Ultimately, both git and svn are mature version control systems and no serious software projects would fail because they chose one over the other. However, for those finding this page and interested in picking a version control system, you might do well to to read some of the links above to get a more balanced perspective before making your choice. I use git when I must, but given the choice, I use svn.

For SVN users interested in git, here’s a useful article:
Git for Subversion Users (